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Search results for "STARCKE ABRASIVES":
found: 978
showing: 926 - 950

Part # Description
STE-CO-4.5X.045-A2-5 Aluminum Oxide 4.5" x .045" x 7/8" Cutoff Wheel Depressed Center R CO-4.5x.045-A2-5
STE-CO-4.5X.045-C1-5 Ceramic 4.5" x .045" x 7/8" Cutoff Wheel Flat R CO-4.5x.045-C1-5
STE-CO-4.5X.045-C2-5 Ceramic 4.5" x .045" x 7/8" Cutoff Wheel Depressed Center R CO-4.5x.045-C2-5
STE-CO-4X1-16-C-5 Ceramic 4" x 1/16" x 3/8" Cutoff Wheel R CO-4x1/16-C-5
STE-HP-GRAY-10 Gray 6" x 9" Non Woven Hand Pad Ultra Fine R HP-GRAY-10
STE-HP-GRAY-R5 Gray 6" x 9" Non Woven Hand Pad Ultra Fine 5ct. Retail Pack R HP-GRAY-R5
STE-HP-GREEN-10 Green 6" x 9" Non Woven Hand Pad General Purpose R HP-GREEN-10
STE-HP-MAROON-10 Maroon 6" x 9" Non Woven Hand Pad Very Fine R HP-MAROON-10
STE-HP-MAROON-R5 Maroon 6" x 9" Non Woven Hand Pad Very Fine 5ct. Retail Pack R HP-MAROON-R5
STE-HP-WHITE-10 White 6" x 9" Non Woven Hand Pad Non Abrasive R HP-WHITE-10
STE-IP-3X5G-VS 3" x 5" Very Soft Interface Pad R IP-3x5G-VS
STE-IP-6G-VS 6" Very Soft Interface Pad R IP-6G-VS
STE-ND-TOOL-1 35mm Nibbing Disc Holder R ND-Tool-1
STE-NET-5G-080-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P080 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0080-25
STE-NET-5G-100-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P100 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0100-25
STE-NET-5G-120-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P120 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0120-25
STE-NET-5G-150-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P150 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0150-25
STE-NET-5G-180-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P180 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0180-25
STE-NET-5G-240-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P240 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0240-25
STE-NET-5G-320-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P320 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0320-25
STE-NET-5G-400-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P400 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0400-25
STE-NET-5G-500-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P500 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0500-25
STE-NET-5G-600-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P600 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0600-25
STE-NET-5G-800-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 5" NH H&L Mesh Disc P800 BX/25 R NET-5G-P0800-25
STE-NET-6G-080-25 Aluminum Oxide Brown NetGiant 6" NH H&L Mesh Disc P080 BX/25 R NET-6G-P0080-25
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